Scripture Verse

"Be joyful in hope, patient in tribulation and faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It is well...

For those of you who read my last post, you know that I am having a tough time dealing with all of the life issues that keep coming my way. You also know that I am waiting on some tests results and I am just plain battle weary from life right now.

The Lord has spoken to me in a pretty powerful way over the past few days and I thought I would share with you - especially those of you who join me in battle weariness and life fatigue.

During my time of Worship this past Sunday I heard the Lord speak very clearly to my heart. "So what will change if it turns out to be Lupus or something else?" This went straight to my soul and I had to ask myself, "What WOULD change?" I will still love, serve and worship King Jesus - I will do my best to glorify Him with my life and bow before Him each day.

The thing that matters most to me - my relationship with the Lord, will not change, if anything I will grow more dependant on Him - and I already know how awesome that is! One of my favorites authors, Jennifer Rothschild has said this,

"It may not be well with my circumstances but, it is well with my soul."

So, I am reminded once again that even in the hardest of times my soul can be calm and rejoice in the fact that my God is holding me so close that I can almost feel the touch of His hand. I am still a little weary from all of the difficulties that disability brings - especially now when things are a little more tough. But mostly I am thankful that God continues to provide me with just what I need - never giving up on telling me how much I need Him. And believe me, if I were Him, I would have given up on ME long ago.

I know my prayer should be that all of these test results come back negative, but, it is not. My prayer is that no matter what happens on March 4th - good, bad or otherwise - that I would learn more about my Savior and come to need Him desperately. That having a God perspective would matter more to me than good test results, seizure free days or walking.

Please do not misunderstand, this is hard and I am not a big fan of any of it, but if it draws me closer to my Jesus, then so be it. God is faithful and I know He is journeying with me. Thank you, my sweet friends that faithfully read, for bringing me before the Father - you will never know this side of Heaven how humbled and honored I am that you take time to pray for me.

So blessed today that it IS well with my soul and praying that is is well with yours!

Rejoicing in Hope,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your heart! I asked Josh on the way home yesterday "has your mom posted another blog???" Thanks for the updates and know that I am praying for you!
